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. Author manuscript; available in PMC: 2021 Aug 31.
Published in final edited form as: Curr Top Microbiol Immunol. 2021;433:29–76. doi: 10.1007/82_2020_226

Table 1.

List of adjuvants that have undergone clinical testing

Adjuvant Components Formulation Mechanism
Alhydrogel (aluminum hydroxide) Alum Aluminum adsorption Depot effect, Recruitment
Alum (aluminum phosphate salts) Alum Aluminum adsorption Depot effect, Recruitment
AS01 MPL and QS-21 in liposomes AS01B/AS01E includes DOPC and cholesterol in phosphate buffered saline Liposome TLR-4, Recruitment
AS02 MPL and QS-21 in liposomes O/W emulsion TLR-4
AS03 Oil-in-water emulsion with α-tocopherol O/W emulsion IRE1α
AS04 MPL adsorbed onto aluminum hydroxide or aluminum phosphate Aluminum adsorption TLR-4
AS15 MPL, QS-21 and CpG 7909 Liposome TLR-4, TLR-9, Recruitment
AS25/AS50 AS02 without QS-21 O/W emulsion TLR-4
CAF01 dimethyl dioctadecyl ammonium delivery vehicle Liposome Recruitment
CpG 7909 Soluble TLR-9
CRM197 A modified diphtheria toxin Soluble Recruitment
dmLT Proteins derived from E. coli enterotoxin Soluble TLR-4
GLA-AF Aqueous glucopyranosyl lipid adjuvant O/W emulsion TLR-4
GLA-SE Stable-oil-in-water-emulsion with glucopyranosyl lipid adjuvant O/W emulsion TLR-4
GM-CSF Soluble Recruitment
IC31 Synthetic oligodeoxynuclotide and antibacterial peptide Soluble TLR-9 (Olafsdottir et al. 2009)
Type I interferon Soluble Recruitment
IL-12 pDNA Soluble Recruitment (Jalah et al. 2012)
IL-2 Soluble Recruitment (Nunberg et al. 1989)
ISCOMATRIX Saponin and lipid complex Immunostimulatory complex Recruitment (Pearse and Drane 2005)
IsdB Recombinant S. aureus protein Soluble component TLR-7 (Wu et al. 2014; Bagnoli et al. 2015)
KLH carrier protein Immunogenic carrier protein Soluble component Recruitment
LT Adjuvant patch Transcutaneous immunostimulatory patch External microneedle Recruitment (Mkrtichyan et al. 2011)
Matrix-M1 Saponins Soluble component Antigen uptake and Recruitment (Magnusson et al. 2013)
MF59 Squalene based emulsion O/W emulsion MyD88, ASC
Montanide ISA Incomplete Freund’s adjuvant in mannide monooleaste and mineral oil W/O emulsion Depot effect, Recruitment
MPL O/W emulsion TLR-4
MPL-SE MPL plus glycerol, phosphatidylcholine and squalene O/W emulsion TLR-4
poly-ICLC Double stranded RNA complex Soluble Component TLR-3 (Saxena et al. 2019)
QS-21 (or OBI-821, OPT-821 or QS-DG all of which are equivalent derivatives or derived from different sources) Saponins Soluble component Recruitment (Kensil and Kammer 2010)
rCTB Cholera endotoxins Soluble component Recruitment (Isaka et al. 2004)