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. 2021 Apr;12(2):658–668. doi: 10.21037/jgo-20-544

Table 3. HRU during the follow-up period.

CCA-related (N=1,298) All-cause (N=1,298)
Patients with medical services, N (%)
   Inpatient admission 502 (38.7) 830 (63.9)
    ICU admission 186 (14.3) 265 (20.4)
   Emergency room visit 143 (11.0) 512 (39.4)
   Home health care/hospice visit 112 (8.6) 296 (22.8)
   Outpatient visit 778 (59.9) 1,096 (84.4)
   Radiology visit 573 (44.1) 937 (72.2)
Number of medical services per patient per month§, mean ± SD
   Inpatient admissions 0.2±1.1 0.5±2.0
    Inpatient length of stay per admission 4.4±17.2 4.9±17.1
    ICU admissions 0.1±0.9 0.1±1.0
      ICU length of stay per admission 3.6±9.9 3.7±11.9
   Emergency room visits 0.0±0.1 0.1±0.3
   Home health care/hospice visits 0.1±0.4 0.2±1.1
   Outpatient visits 1.0±1.9 2.3±2.5
   Radiology visits 0.2±0.4 0.6±1.1

, if any claim within an admission/visit had a diagnosis code for CCA, the entire visit was considered CCA-related; , patients with any of the following medical services during their follow-up period were summarized; patients have varying length of follow up; §, per patient per month HRU was calculated based on the average of the number of admission(s) or visit(s) per patient divided by number of months in each patient’s follow-up; , length of stay for inpatient and ICU admissions were calculated only among patients with at least one inpatient or ICU admission, respectively. CCA, cholangiocarcinoma; HRU, healthcare resource utilization; ICU, intensive care unit; SD, standard deviation.