Figure 1.
CT scans of patients 1–3.
Patient 1 (a) CT scan shows multiple metastatic liver lesions with relative measures (August 2020); (b) CT scan shows complete regression of metastases (November 2020); (c) persistent diffuse interstitial thickening, coarse reticular patterns, and parenchymal bands that were SARS-CoV-2 associated (November 2020). Patient 2 (a)(i) and (ii) CT scan show metastatic liver lesions at VI and VII segments with the relative measures (August 2020); (b)(i) and (ii) CT scan shows reduction of lesion at VII segment and disappearance of that at VI segment (December 2020); (iii) some persistent interstitial thickening that was SARS-CoV-2 associated (December 2020). Patient 3 (a)(i) and (ii) CT scan evidencing multiple measurable nodules on the peritoneum surface; and (iii) a subpleural small nodule in right upper lobe (September 2020); (b)(i) and (ii) reduction of peritoneal and (iii) lung disease; (iv) some persistent interstitial thickening that was SARS-CoV-2 associated (October 2020).
CT, computed tomography; SARS-CoV-2, severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2.