Figure 6.
VVC-seeded whole-brain effective connectivity analysis. (A) Brain maps showing voxels whose effective connectivity into VVC predicts VVC pleasant vs neutral decoding accuracy. (B) Measured VVC pleasant vs neutral decoding accuracy vs predicted VVC pleasant vs neutral decoding accuracy according to a linear model accounting for the collective contributions of reentry signaling from regions identified in panel A (see Results). (C) Brain maps showing voxels whose effective connectivity into VVC predicts VVC unpleasant vs neutral decoding accuracy. (D) Measured VVC unpleasant vs neutral decoding accuracy vs predicted VVC unpleasant vs neutral decoding accuracy according to a linear model accounting for the collective contributions of reentry signaling from regions identified in panel C (see Results). STG, superior temporal gyrus; STS, superior temporal sulcus; IFG, inferior frontal gyrus; VLPFC, ventral lateral prefrontal cortex. All maps were thresholded at R > 0.61, p < 0.005 and clusters containing more than 10 contiguous such voxels are shown.