Figure 7.
In (A) an example of coronal ss-FSE T2-weighted section in a 21-week gestation fetus depicting complete agenesis of corpus callosum (black arrow) associated with cortical formation anomalies in one hemisphere (white arrow) and normal contralateral hemisphere. In (B and C) example in a 21-week gestation foetus of cerebellar-brainstem anomalies on axial and sagittal T2-weighted sections (molar-tooth malformation with small vermis and cerebellum). In (D) an example of a 21-week gestation foetus with bilateral areas of increased parenchymal T2-weighted signal and swelling compatible with recent bilateral infarction (arrows). In (E and F) an example of a 21-week gestation foetus affected by CMV infection with consequent parenchymal atrophy-thinning and with subtle irregular brain surface especially in one hemisphere (arrows). ss-FSE, single-shot fast spin echo.