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. 2021 May 10;2021(5):CD013620. doi: 10.1002/14651858.CD013620.pub2

Finnegan 2008.

Study characteristics
Methods Study objective: to compare the effectiveness of a specialised alternating air pressure mattress replacement system and an air‐fluidised integrated bed in the management of post‐operative flap patients
Study design: pilot randomised controlled trial
Study grouping: parallel group
Duration of follow‐up: mean length of stage 8.0 days (range 0 to 21)
Number of arms: 2
Single centre or multi‐site: single centre
Study start date and end date: not described
Setting: tertiary referral centre
Participants Baseline characteristics
Inclusion criteria: 18 years or older who were admitted for reconstructive surgery to repair a tissue deficit (full‐thickness pressure ulcer involving muscle, fascia and, in some cases, bone) in the sacral‐coccygeal, trochanteric or ischial region.
Exclusion criteria: unlikely or unwilling to comply with the treatment protocol, which included a minimum of 7 days bed rest within the surgical unit, or unable to consent.
Sex (M:F): overall 21:12; 7:8 in alternating therapy; 14:4 in air‐fluidised bed
Age (years): mean 56 (range 20 to 80); 62 in alternating therapy; 50 in air‐fluidised bed
Baseline skin status: severe full‐thickness pressure ulcers
Group difference: not described
Total number of participants: 40 randomised, 33 analysed
Unit of analysis: individuals
Unit of randomisation (per patient): individuals
Interventions Intervention characteristics
Alternating therapy
  • Description of interventions: a specialised alternating therapy support surface (Nimbus 3 Professional, Huntleigh Healthcare LLC). Specialised by means of Vent Valve Technology, not a standard alternating pressure therapy. Single cells to be isolated and permanently deflated beneath the operative site. This deflation completely off‐loads the most vulnerable tissue while the mattress continues to deliver optimised cyclic pressure redistribution to other vulnerable areas.

  • NPUAP S3I classification: powered, alternating pressure (active) air surface

  • Co‐interventions: all other care including repositioning, nutrition and continence management in line with the wound centre's protocol

  • Number of participants randomised: n = 19

  • Number of participants analysed: n = 15

Air‐fluidised bed
  • Description of interventions: air‐fluidised bed system (Clinitron, Hill‐Rom Inc.) (Finnegan 2008); "Clinitron® Air Fluidized Therapy beds ... minimizes interface pressure, while maximizing the surface’s immersion and envelopment properties to support healing ... providing statistically lower interface pressure ... Medical grade, silicone‐coated bead fluidization promotes a flotation environment" from Hillrom website (

  • NPUAP S3I classification: non‐powered, reactive air‐fluidised surface

  • Co‐interventions: all other care including repositioning, nutrition and continence management in line with the wound centre's protocol

  • Number of participants randomised: n = 21

  • Number of participants analysed: n = 18

Outcomes Proportion of participants developing a new pressure ulcer
  • Outcome type: binary

  • Time points: unspecified; hospital stay of 8 days

  • Reporting: partially reported

  • Measurement method (e.g. scale, self‐reporting): assessed by surgical team

  • Definition (including ulcer stage): tissue integrity at other vulnerable anatomical locations

  • Dropouts: 4 in alternating therapy; 3 in air‐fluidised bed (all due to not receiving the allocated intervention)

  • Notes (e.g. other results reported): 0 of 15 in alternating therapy; 0 of 18 in air‐fluidised bed

Time to pressure ulcer development
  • Reporting: not reported

Support‐surface‐associated patient comfort
  • Outcome type: binary

  • Time points: unspecified; hospital stay of 8 days

  • Reporting: partially reported

  • Measurement method (e.g. scale, self‐reporting): self‐reported

  • Definition: subject acceptability ‐ numbers of patients having comfortable response on support surfaces

  • Drop outs: 4 in alternating therapy; 3 in air‐fluidised bed (all due to not receiving the allocated intervention)

  • Notes (e.g. other results reported): comfortable: 11 of 15 in alternating therapy; 4 of 18 in air‐fluidised bed; uncomfortable: 2 of 15 vs 7 of 18; the rest of the patients had no view.

All reported adverse events using allocated support surfaces
  • Reporting: not reported

Health‐related quality of life (HRQOL)
  • Reporting: not reported

  • Reporting: not reported

  • Notes: cost of support surface provision based on rental costs per day of inpatient care (USD 35/day for alternating therapy; USD 65/day for air‐fluidised bed)

Outcomes that are not considered in this review but reported in trials:
  • Integrity of the surgical site.

Risk of bias
Bias Authors' judgement Support for judgement
Random sequence generation (selection bias) Low risk Quote: "allocation was determined by using web‐based random‐number software"
Comment: low risk of bias due to the use of a proper randomisation method.
Allocation concealment (selection bias) Unclear risk Quote: "Groups were concealed in sealed envelopes"
Comment: unclear risk of bias because a proper concealment method is not specified.
Blinding of participants and personnel (performance bias)
All outcomes Unclear risk Outcome group: all outcomes
Comment: no information provided.
Blinding of outcome assessment (detection bias)
All outcomes High risk Outcome group: primary outcome
Quote: "Tissue integrity on discharge was not blinded and determined by the surgical team responsible for this pilot phase."
Comment: high risk of bias because no blinding was undertaken.
Outcome group: comfort outcome
Comment: unclear risk of bias because it is not specified if patients who reported comfort data were blinded.
Incomplete outcome data (attrition bias)
All outcomes Unclear risk Outcome group: all outcomes.
Quote: "four subjects in Group A and three subjects in Group B did not receive the allocated intervention (Fig. 2) and were not included in the follow‐up"
Comment: unclear risk of bias because a fair proportion of subjects lost to follow‐up.
Selective reporting (reporting bias) Low risk Comment: the study protocol is not available but it is clear that the published reports include all expected outcomes, including those that were pre‐specified.
Other bias Low risk Comment: the study appears to be free of other sources of bias.