Figure 4.
Prespecified subgroup analysis for overall survival (OS). (A): OS by age. Straight line, age < 65 years; dotted line, age ≥ 65 years. (B): OS by Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group (ECOG) PS. Straight line, ECOG PS 0; dotted line, ECOG PS 1. (C): OS by primary location. Straight line, right‐sided primary; dotted line, left‐sided primary. (D): OS by RAS status. Straight line, RAS wild‐type; dotted line, RAS mutant‐type. (E): OS by prior regorafenib administration. Straight line, without prior regorafenib; dotted line, with prior regorafenib. (F): OS by chemotherapy‐induced neutropenia within the first two cycles. Straight line, without neutropenia within the first two cycles; dotted line, with neutropenia within the first two cycles. Abbreviations: mt, mutant; PS, performance status; REG, regorafenib; wt, wild type.