Ema19 belongs to a conserved family of ER proteins. (A) Phylogenetic analysis of members of the Ema19/TMEM97 family (see Supplemental Figure S4 and Table S4 for sequence details). (B) A model for the orientation of the Ema19 and TMEM97 is shown on the right. Transmembrane domains were predicted using TMpred (Hofmann and Stoffel, 1993). (C) Cells expressing Ema19-EGFP and sfGFP-Ema19 were analyzed by fluorescence microscopy. Sec63-mCherry served as ER marker. The intense perinuclear staining of the GFP signals indicate the localization of Ema19 in perinuclear ER membranes. (D) The respective strains were grown in galactose medium and dropped on plates containing different carbon sources and grown at the indicated temperatures.