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. 2021 Apr 10;13(4):e14402. doi: 10.7759/cureus.14402

Table 2. Diffrential dianosis of Griscelli syndrome.

MYO5A: Myosin-Va; RAB27A: Ras-related protein Rab-27A

Condition Clinical Manifestations Genetics Epidemiology
Chédiak–Higashi syndrome [8] Partial albinism. Retina pigmentation, impaired visual acuity, photophobia, increase red reflex, nystagmus. Early-onset immunodeficiency. Mucosal bleeding, easy bruising. Neurologic manifestations appeared in early adulthood. They included: ataxia, tremors, motor, and sensory neuropathies, absent deep tendon reflexes. Accelerated phase: fever, hepatosplenomegaly, lymphadenopathy, neutropenia, anemia, thrombocytopenia, most patients die within the first ten years of life. Patients have an increased risk of developing a stroke.  Autosomal recessive. Lysosomal trafficking regulator is located in chromosome 1 (1q2-q44). Unknown exact prevalence. Fewer than 500 cases worldwide.
Elejalde ­­syndrome [7] Partial albinism, not immunocompromised early-onset neurologic dysfunction: marked hypotonia, hyporeflexia or hyperreflexia, spastic or flaccid hemiplegia or quadriplegia, seizures, ataxia, developmental delay. Ophthalmologic manifestations included: nystagmus, diplopia, pupilar areflexia, congenital amaurosis. Autosomal recessive. MYO5A gene mutations. 20 cases have been reported up to 2019.
Hermansky-Pudlak syndrome type 2 [9] Partial albinism, neutropenia, low platelet count, microcephaly, horizontal nystagmus, mental retardation. Autosomal recessive disease. Mutations in AP3B1 gene on chromosome 5. The protein function is lysosomal trafficking. Unknown
Griscelli Type 1 [4] Partial albinism, not immunocompromised, neurological deficits, severe developmental delay, and mental retardation. Mutation in the MYO5A gene on chromosome 15q21. Only 150 cases have been reported.
Griscelli Type 2 [4] Partial albinism, immunodeficiency, hemophagocytic syndrome. The hemophagocytic syndrome cause infiltration in the organs, including the brain.  Mutation in the RAB27A gene on chromosome 15q21.
Griscelli Type 3 [4] Partial albinism. without neurological or immunological compromise. Only minor features are seen in GS3. Mutation in either melanophilin or MYO5A genes.