Table 2.
ENGAGE project aims organized according to the self-regulation targets of focus, the assays used to assess each target and the settings in which the assays were undertaken.
Target | Assay settings | AIMS | ||
AIM 1: Target Engagement | AIM 2: Target Malleability | AIM 3: Target Prediction | ||
Includes evaluation of convergent validity | Includes evaluation of concurrent validity | Includes evaluation of predictive validity | ||
Regulation of Emotion | Lab-based Virtual Reality Naturalistic |
Activation on emotion fMRI tasks will correlate with emotion identification behavior and with self-reported emotion regulation. | Across timepoints, changes in emotion task fMRI activation will correlate with changes in self-reported emotion and behavior, VR, and smartphone sampling of mood-related word usage. | Emotion task baseline measures and assay changes over time will predict changes in health behaviors and outcomes. |
Regulation of Cognition | Lab-based Virtual Reality Naturalistic |
Activation on cognitive control fMRI tasks will correlate with scores of omissions/commissions on cognitive behavioral paradigms and self-report coping strategies. | Across timepoints, changes in cognitive task fMRI activation will correlate with changes in cognitive self-report, behavior, VR, and smartphone sampling of cognitive metrics. | Cognitive task baseline measures and assay changes over time will predict changes in health behaviors and outcomes. |
Regulation of Self-Focused Reflection | Lab-based Virtual Reality Naturalistic |
Resting state fMRI activation and connectivity will correlate with virtual reality mindfulness and self-reported reflection measures. | Across timepoints, changes in resting activation and connectivity will correlate with changes in reflection self-report, behavior, VR, and smartphone sampling. | Resting state baseline assays and assay changes over time will predict changes in health behaviors and outcomes. |
Across all Targets | Across Settings | Within each target domain, lab-based assays will correlate with VR measures & naturalistic passive assays. | Changes in lab-based assays will correlate with changes in VR and naturalistic passive sampling assays within target domains (within subject). | Changes in lab-based assays will differentiate treatment responders and nonresponders. Treatment-related changes in Lab-based assays will correlate with those on Virtual Reality and Naturalistic assays. |