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. 2021 May 11;120(14):2859–2871. doi: 10.1016/j.bpj.2021.02.049

Table 2.

Distinct crystallographic hydrogen bonds and contacts in the CoV-2 and CoV complexes

Hydrogen bond
Residue Residue Residue CoV-2/CoV CoV-2/CoV
K417 V404 D30 sc-sc/-a,b
N439 R426 Q325 -/sc-sc
N439 R426 E329 -/sc-sc
G446 T433 Q42 mc-sc/-a,b
L455c Y442 K31 -/p-npa,b
L455c Y442 H34 np-np/-a,b
F456 L443 D30 np-np/-
A475 P462 Q24 p-np/-
F486 L472 M82 np-np/np-p
F486 L472 Y83 np-np/-
Q493c N479 K31 p-np/-
Q493c N479 E35 sc-sc/-
G496 G482 K353 mc-sc/-
Q498 Y484 L45 -/np-np
T500 T486 L45 -/p-np
T500 T486 N330 -/mc-sc
N501c T487 K353 p-np/np-np
G502 G488 D355 -/p-p
V503 I489 Q325 -/np-p
Y505 Y491 R393 sc-sc/-

Structurally equivalent residues in the CoV-2 and CoV RBMs are included in the same row.


“sc” and “mc” denote hydrogen bonds involving side-chain and main-chain atoms, respectively; “np” and “p” denote contacts involving nonpolar and polar moieties.


The absence of a hydrogen bond or contact in a complex is denoted by “-.”


Designed position.