Fig. 3. Quiescence NSCs allow long term regeneration.
a Schematics of the experiments. NSCs derived from mouse, after several months of expansion in vitro are transplanted in the SVZ for 1 month. b Panoramic pictures of the NSCs (GFP, green) in the SVZ after 1 month. NSCs were treated with EGF/FGF, BMP-4, and FGF/BMP-4 previously to be transplanted. c Immunostaining for GFP (green), GFAP (yellow), Ki67 (red) nuclear counterstaining with DAPI (blue). d Immunostaining for GFP (green), BIII TUBULIN (red), DAPI (blue) showing neurons arriving to the OB. e Immunostaining for GFP (green), BIII tubulin (magenta) and GAD65/67 (red) and nuclear counterstaining with DAPI (blue). LV: Lateral Ventricle. OB: Olfactory Bulb. Detail of co-staining GFP and BIII TUBULIN (red). Scale bar in (b) is 100 μm, (c, d) is 50 μm and in (e) is 20 μm. Scale bar in detail is 20 μm (n = 3 analyzed transplanted mice per condition). Schematics in (a) were generated using BioRender software.