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. 2021 Apr 27;8:637868. doi: 10.3389/fnut.2021.637868

Table 2.

Responses by RDs who are currently using telemedicine to provide MNT to patients with IMDs (n = 96).

Question Responses Frequency (%)
Where are your patients during telemedicine sessions? (Check all that apply) At their home 93 (96.9%)
At a partnering clinic 8 (8.3%)
At their school 1 (1.0%)
At a health department clinic 6 (6.2%)
In a hospital 6 (6.2%)
Other 9 (9.4%)
What type of patients with IMDs do you see via telemedicine? (check all that apply) Patients with positive results on newborn screening 44 (45.8%)
Newly diagnosed patients other than newborn screening 38 (40.6%)
Hospitalized patients seeking nutrition counseling 11 (11.4%)
Follow-up patients 95 (99.0%)
Research participants 10 (10.4%)
Other 5 (5.2%)
Are there patients that cannot be seen via telemedicine? (1 missing response) Yes 65 (68.4%)
No 30 (31.6%)
What type of patients cannot be seen via telemedicine? (check all that apply) (66 respondents) Newly diagnosed patients 30 (45.5%)
Hospitalized patients 22 (33.3%)
Patients out of state 15 (22.7%)
Other 36 (54.5%)
Do you bill for telemedicine services? Yes 48 (50.0%)
No 34 (35.4%)
I don't know 14 (14.6%)
What is your reimbursement rate? N/A 48
I don't know 42 (87.5%)
<50% 2 (4.2%)
50% or more 4 (8.3%)
Do you see patients via telemedicine independently or under the supervision of another provider? (1 missing response) Independently 38 (40.0%)
Under supervision of another provider 57 (60.0%)
Do you bill independently or under supervising provider (such as an MD or NP)? N/A 37
Not billing, covered by grant or contract 12 (20.3%)
Billing independently 6 (10.2%)
Billing under supervising provider 36 (61.0%)
I don't know 5 (8.5%)
Where do telemedicine patients have blood draws? (Check all that apply) Originating site lab 45 (46.9%)
Local lab 84 (87.5%)
Primary care provider office 36 (37.5%)
Other 35 (36.5%)
Are you satisfied with the use of telemedicine for patients with inherited metabolic disorders? Yes, very satisfied 36 (37.5%)
Yes, somewhat satisfied 57 (59.4%)
No, not satisfied 3 (3.1%)