Figure 5.
Literature reported and putative autoantigens are detected in Sjogren’s syndrome samples by PIWAS. (A) PIWAS results from a comparison of Sjogren’s syndrome samples to controls against the human proteome were prioritized using outlier sum FDR as a measure of significance (y-axis, see Methods). For visualization, proteins were laid out according to chromosome location. (B) Among the top set of 11 ranked proteins, 5 are established autoantigens (Lupus La/SSB in red, centromeric proteins in blue, keratin proteins in green). (C) Strength (y) and location (x) of PIWAS scores for the Lupus La protein/SSB for Sjogren’s samples that are predicate SSB+ (n=54, purple) or predicate SSB- (n=37, orange) vs. control (n=1,157, grey). (D) Comparison of PIWAS score (y) and CENPA ELISA OD (x) for Sjogren’s samples that we tested by ELISA (n=14).