Fig. 5. Association between the fold change in Bifidobacterium abundance and the total copy number of the LT-SBPs in faecal samples after ingestion (n = 49).
a Total copy numbers of the LT-SBP genes in faecal samples were determined by real-time PCR and compared before and after lactulose ingestion (two-tailed paired t-test). b Scatter plot of the individual samples based on the fold change in total copy number of the LT-SBPs and faecal Bifidobacterium cell number after lactulose ingestion (Pearson correlation coefficient). c Varied response to lactulose ingestion among the subjects is associated with the faecal copy number of LT-SBP genes before the trial. #p refers to <0.1, ***p < 0.001, Tukey’s test. The box plots feature the median (centre line), upper and lower quartiles (box limits), 1.5× the interquartile range (whiskers), and outliers (points). d Scatter plot of individual samples based on the faecal copy number of LT-SBP genes before lactulose ingestion and the fold change in faecal Bifidobacterium cell number after lactulose ingestion. Red dots indicate subjects with a more than fivefold increase of Bifidobacterium after lactulose ingestion.