Fig. 4. Differential expression of matrisome genes between different fibroblasts.
a Heatmap showing hierarchical clustering of matrisome genes that are significantly differentially expressed between dermal papilla (DP) and pan-dermal fibroblasts (pan-DF). Z-scored expression values (rlog normalized values) of each biological replicate are indicated according to a heat gradient as shown at the bottom of the heatmap. ECM genes classified as HG-specific genes, basement membrane (BM) genes and Spondin family genes are indicated by colour bars next to each gene name. b Gene set enrichment analysis (GSEA) for HG ECM genes and basement membrane (BM) genes. Upper panel shows the results of GSEA for hair germ (HG) ECM genes and BM genes against an expression data sets of DP and pan-DF. ECM genes differentially expressed between DP and pan-DF are used. Lower panels show GSEA plots. Asterisks indicate statistical significance (<25% in FDR and <5% in nominal p value). NES normalized enrichment score, Nom. p nominal p value, FDR false discovery rate, FWER p family-wise error rate p value.