Fig. 3.
HRP-like catalytic performance, GSH-depleting function, and photothermal effect of Cu SASs/NPC. (a)Properties of Cu SASs/NPC: 1) catalytic effect; 2) GSH-depleted function; 3) photothermal performance. HRP-like catalytic performance of Cu SASs/NPC in the presence of various concentrations of H2O2 using different probes: (b) TMB; (c) OPDA. (d) Time-dependent degradation of MB in the presence of Cu SASs/NPC and H2O2. Time-dependent GSH depletion in the presence of Cu SASs/NPC with different concentrations: (e) 500 μg/mL; (f) 50 μg/mL (g) GSH consumption rate of Cu SASs/NPC. (h) UV–vis–NIR spectra of Cu SASs/NPC. (i) Thermal images, (j) and temperature-elevating curves of Cu SASs/NPC with different concentrations under 808 nm laser irradiation (1.0 W/cm2, 10 min). (k) Photothermal stability (five laser ON/OFF cycles) of Cu SASs/NPC. (l) Temperature variation of primary heating and cooling of Cu SASs/NPC.