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. 2019 Mar 18;89(5):758–767. doi: 10.2319/082018-612.1

Table 1.

Landmark Definitiona

Variable Name
Skeletal Landmark Definition
Sella Sella The midpoint of the pituitary fossa as determined by inspection
Nasion Nasion The most antero-inferior point on the frontal bone at the middle of fronto-nasal suture
Basion Basion The inferior-most point on the anterior margin of the foramen magnum in the middle
Porion Porion_R; Porion_L The most superior and lateral point at the external enterance to the auditory meatus
Orbitale Orbitale_R; Orbitale_L The most inferior point of the lower border of the bony orbit
Crista galli CristaG The most superior and anterior point on the median ridge of bone that projects upward from the cribriform plate of the ethmoid bone
Nasal bone NasBone The middle of the nasal bone tip at its most inferior end
Fronto-zygomatic suture FroZyg_R; FroZyg_L The most anterior point at the intersection of the frontozygomatic suture on the inner rim of orbit
Foramen spinosum ForSpin_R; ForSpin_L The center of the opening of foramen spinosum in the greater wing of the sphenoid bone, situated lateral to the foramen ovale
Temporal fossa TempFos_R; TempFos_L The most superior and lateral point of inferior zygomatic arch border, above condylar head as seen from the sagittal perspective
ANS ANS The anterior-most point of the anatomic anterior nasal spine
PNS PNS The posterior-most point of the anatomic posterior nasal spine
Point A Point A The deepest point on the curvature of the surface of the maxillary bone between ANS and the alveolar crest in the middle of maxilla
Key ridge KeyRig_R; KeyRig_L The most inferior point of the zygomaticomaxillary ridge along the suture between the zygomatic bone and the maxillary bone
Jugale Jug_R; Jug_L The intersection of the outline of the maxillary tuberosity and the zygomatic buttress
Pogonion Pogonion The anterior-most point on the chin in the midline of the mandibular symphysis
Menton Menton The inferior-most point on the chin at the midline of the mandibular symphysis
Point B Point B The deepest point on the curvature of the anterior border of the mandible between pogonion and the alveolar crest of the lower incisors at the middle of mandible
Condyle Condyle_R; Condyle_L The most superior (sagittal perspective) and the middle (frontal perspective) point on the contour of the condyle head
Gonion Gonion_R; Gonion_L The most inferior point on the curvature of the angle of the jaw where the body of the mandible meets the ramus
Mental foramen MentFor_R; MentFor_L The center of mental foramen located on the external surface of the mandible
Central incisor UR1_MInc; UL1_Minc; The most inferior and mesial point along the incisal edge of central incisor
Mesio-incisal edge LR1_MInc; LL1_Minc
Central incisor UR1_DInc; UL1_Dinc; The most inferior and distal point along the incisal edge of central incisor
Disto-incisal edge LR1_DInc; LL1_DInc
Central incisor UR1_Apex; UL1_Apex; The most apical point on the root of central incisor
Root apex LR1_Apex; LL1_Apex
Canine UR3_MCon; UL3_Mcon; The most lateral point on the mesial contact point of canine
Mesial contact point LR3_MCon; LL3_MCon
Canine UR3_DCon; UL3_Dcon; The most lateral point on the distal contact point of canine
Distal contact ooint LR3_DCon; LL3_DCon
Canine cusp UR3_Cusp; UL3_Cusp; The most occlusal point on the cusp of canine
LR3_Cusp; LL3_Cusp
Canine root apex UR3_Apex; UL3_Apex; The most apical point on the root of canine
LR3_Apex; LL3_Apex
First premolar UR4_BCusp; UL4_Bcusp; The most occlusal point on the buccal cusp of first premolar
Buccal cusp LR4_BCusp; LL4_BCusp
First molar UR6_MBCusp; UL6_MBCusp; The most occlusal point on the mesiobuccal cusp of first molar
Mesiobuccal cusp LR6_MBCusp; LL6_MBCusp
First molar UR6_DBCusp; UL6_DBCusp; The most occlusal point on the distobuccal cusp of first molar
Distobuccal cusp LR6_DBCusp; LL6_DBCusp
First molar UR6_MLCusp; UL6_MLCusp; The most occlusal point on the mesiolingual cusp of first molar
Mesiolingual cusp LR6_MLCusp; LL6_MLCusp
First molar UR6_DLCusp; UL6_DLCusp; The most occlusal point on the distolingual cusp of first molar
Distolingual cusp LR6_DLCusp; LL6_DLCusp
Upper first molar UR6_MBApex; UL6_MBApex The most apical point on the mesiobuccal root of upper first molar
Mesiobuccal root apex
Upper first molar UR6_DBApex; UL6_DBApex The most apical point on the distobuccal root of upper first molar
Distobuccal root apex
Upper first molar UR6_PApex; UL6_PApex The most apical point on the palatal root of upper first molar
Palatal root apex
Lower first molar LR6_MApex; LL6_MApex The most apical point on the mesial root of lower first molar (if there is bifurcation, then mesiobuccal root)
Mesial root apex
Lower first molar LR6_DApex; LL6_DApex The most apical point on the distal root of lower first molar
Distal root apex
Lower first molar LR6_MBGroove; The point at the height of counter of the buccal groove of lower first molar
Buccal groove LL6_MBGroove

L indicates left; LL, lower left; LR, lower right; R, right; UL, upper left; UR, upper right.