Table 1.
Landmark Definitiona
Landmark |
Variable Name |
Skeletal Landmark Definition |
Sella | Sella | The midpoint of the pituitary fossa as determined by inspection |
Nasion | Nasion | The most antero-inferior point on the frontal bone at the middle of fronto-nasal suture |
Basion | Basion | The inferior-most point on the anterior margin of the foramen magnum in the middle |
Porion | Porion_R; Porion_L | The most superior and lateral point at the external enterance to the auditory meatus |
Orbitale | Orbitale_R; Orbitale_L | The most inferior point of the lower border of the bony orbit |
Crista galli | CristaG | The most superior and anterior point on the median ridge of bone that projects upward from the cribriform plate of the ethmoid bone |
Nasal bone | NasBone | The middle of the nasal bone tip at its most inferior end |
Fronto-zygomatic suture | FroZyg_R; FroZyg_L | The most anterior point at the intersection of the frontozygomatic suture on the inner rim of orbit |
Foramen spinosum | ForSpin_R; ForSpin_L | The center of the opening of foramen spinosum in the greater wing of the sphenoid bone, situated lateral to the foramen ovale |
Temporal fossa | TempFos_R; TempFos_L | The most superior and lateral point of inferior zygomatic arch border, above condylar head as seen from the sagittal perspective |
ANS | ANS | The anterior-most point of the anatomic anterior nasal spine |
PNS | PNS | The posterior-most point of the anatomic posterior nasal spine |
Point A | Point A | The deepest point on the curvature of the surface of the maxillary bone between ANS and the alveolar crest in the middle of maxilla |
Key ridge | KeyRig_R; KeyRig_L | The most inferior point of the zygomaticomaxillary ridge along the suture between the zygomatic bone and the maxillary bone |
Jugale | Jug_R; Jug_L | The intersection of the outline of the maxillary tuberosity and the zygomatic buttress |
Pogonion | Pogonion | The anterior-most point on the chin in the midline of the mandibular symphysis |
Menton | Menton | The inferior-most point on the chin at the midline of the mandibular symphysis |
Point B | Point B | The deepest point on the curvature of the anterior border of the mandible between pogonion and the alveolar crest of the lower incisors at the middle of mandible |
Condyle | Condyle_R; Condyle_L | The most superior (sagittal perspective) and the middle (frontal perspective) point on the contour of the condyle head |
Gonion | Gonion_R; Gonion_L | The most inferior point on the curvature of the angle of the jaw where the body of the mandible meets the ramus |
Mental foramen | MentFor_R; MentFor_L | The center of mental foramen located on the external surface of the mandible |
Central incisor | UR1_MInc; UL1_Minc; | The most inferior and mesial point along the incisal edge of central incisor |
Mesio-incisal edge | LR1_MInc; LL1_Minc | |
Central incisor | UR1_DInc; UL1_Dinc; | The most inferior and distal point along the incisal edge of central incisor |
Disto-incisal edge | LR1_DInc; LL1_DInc | |
Central incisor | UR1_Apex; UL1_Apex; | The most apical point on the root of central incisor |
Root apex | LR1_Apex; LL1_Apex | |
Canine | UR3_MCon; UL3_Mcon; | The most lateral point on the mesial contact point of canine |
Mesial contact point | LR3_MCon; LL3_MCon | |
Canine | UR3_DCon; UL3_Dcon; | The most lateral point on the distal contact point of canine |
Distal contact ooint | LR3_DCon; LL3_DCon | |
Canine cusp | UR3_Cusp; UL3_Cusp; | The most occlusal point on the cusp of canine |
LR3_Cusp; LL3_Cusp | ||
Canine root apex | UR3_Apex; UL3_Apex; | The most apical point on the root of canine |
LR3_Apex; LL3_Apex | ||
First premolar | UR4_BCusp; UL4_Bcusp; | The most occlusal point on the buccal cusp of first premolar |
Buccal cusp | LR4_BCusp; LL4_BCusp | |
First molar | UR6_MBCusp; UL6_MBCusp; | The most occlusal point on the mesiobuccal cusp of first molar |
Mesiobuccal cusp | LR6_MBCusp; LL6_MBCusp | |
First molar | UR6_DBCusp; UL6_DBCusp; | The most occlusal point on the distobuccal cusp of first molar |
Distobuccal cusp | LR6_DBCusp; LL6_DBCusp | |
First molar | UR6_MLCusp; UL6_MLCusp; | The most occlusal point on the mesiolingual cusp of first molar |
Mesiolingual cusp | LR6_MLCusp; LL6_MLCusp | |
First molar | UR6_DLCusp; UL6_DLCusp; | The most occlusal point on the distolingual cusp of first molar |
Distolingual cusp | LR6_DLCusp; LL6_DLCusp | |
Upper first molar | UR6_MBApex; UL6_MBApex | The most apical point on the mesiobuccal root of upper first molar |
Mesiobuccal root apex | ||
Upper first molar | UR6_DBApex; UL6_DBApex | The most apical point on the distobuccal root of upper first molar |
Distobuccal root apex | ||
Upper first molar | UR6_PApex; UL6_PApex | The most apical point on the palatal root of upper first molar |
Palatal root apex | ||
Lower first molar | LR6_MApex; LL6_MApex | The most apical point on the mesial root of lower first molar (if there is bifurcation, then mesiobuccal root) |
Mesial root apex | ||
Lower first molar | LR6_DApex; LL6_DApex | The most apical point on the distal root of lower first molar |
Distal root apex | ||
Lower first molar | LR6_MBGroove; | The point at the height of counter of the buccal groove of lower first molar |
Buccal groove | LL6_MBGroove |
L indicates left; LL, lower left; LR, lower right; R, right; UL, upper left; UR, upper right.