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. 2021 May 11;20:216. doi: 10.1186/s12936-021-03748-5

Table 1.

Information, education and communication tools and content

Tool Medium Objectives Content of messages
Animated video (Additional file 9)

Displayed by the facilitators during the training

Shared with participants owning a smartphone, for further sharing on social networks

Included in the Malakit app distributed to participants

Presentation of the malakit (object) and general presentation of the project

Kit to detect and treat malaria in case of symptoms

Content of the kit: “3 RDTs and full malaria medication”

Importance of taking the entire malaria medication and risk of resistance to ACT

Kit given for free

Location of distribution sites

Illustrations and text about the RDT

Printed on the plastic RDT holder of the malakit

Displayed by the facilitators during the training

Instructions for performing a self-RDT

When you feel sick, the best is to visit in a health center

Be careful when the test is negative, do not use Coartem®

Take paracetamol if you feel fever or pain

Visual explanations on how to interpret the result (two lines = positive, one line in front of C = negative etc.)

In case of positive RDT, take the treatment against malaria

In case of negative RDT, do not take the treatment against malaria

In case of invalid RDT, redo the test

Illustrations and text about the treatment

Printed on the plastic Treatment holder of the malakit

Displayed by the facilitators during the training

Explanations and instructions on when and how to take the different drugs of the kit

If you do not feel better, try to consult a health center

Be careful when the test is negative, do not use Coartem®

Paracetamol is to be taken in case of fever or pain (1000 mg, 3 times a day maximum)

If the result of the malaria test is positive, do the entire treatment

Primaquine is not allowed for pregnant women

Take 2 pills of primaquine with the Coartem®

Coartem®: “Take 4 pills in the morning and 4 pills in the evening during 3 days

Importance of taking the entire malaria medication to eliminate the parasite, even if the fever disappears and you feel better

RDT video (Additional file 8)

Displayed by the facilitators during the training

Shared with participants owning a smartphone

Included in the Malakit app distributed to participants

Instructions for performing a self-RDT

Explanations on how to interpret the result

In case of invalid RDT, redo the test

If the test line is clear and indefinite, consider the test as positive

The RDT waste should be disposed in the yellow bag and given to the facilitators

Illustrated posters (Additional file 10) Displayed and explained by the facilitators during training Support tool for the training dispensed by facilitators to impart knowledge about malaria and its treatment and introduce the explanation about when and how to use correctly the kit

Poster “One infection–one appropriate treatment”: importance of knowing the cause of the infection. The treatment of the kit will not work if the cause of the symptoms is not malaria

Poster of parasites: If the treatment is not complete, the strongest parasites will remain, and with time the treatment will lose its effect on malaria

PosterMalaria parasite”: existence of P. vivax and P. falciparum. The RDT of the kit detects both. The treatment of the kit eliminates the parasite circulating in the body for both types and therefore, eliminates symptoms. However, if symptoms reappear one month later, it can be P. vivax which was dormant in the liver and is now waking up. In this case, it is important to consult a health professional

Poster of risky situations (include severe signs and the presence of a heart condition): Beware, in your case, malaria can be severe. Start the treatment and go to a health center as soon as possible

Information video Mobile application Presentation of the disease Explanations on: vector, parasite, transmission, symptoms, diagnostic methods
Prevention video Mobile application Presentation of the prevention measures against malaria

Risk of mosquito bites is higher during the night Use of mosquito nets

Use of repellent on the skin

Advice to avoid places where mosquitoes can breed (avoid standing water, keep inside and outside clean

Interactive module Mobile application Personal tutorial for malakit use in case of symptoms

You should consult a medical doctor in a health center

The malakit is not suitable for people under 15 year old

List of malaria symptoms (with pictograms)

Visual explanations on how to interpret the result of the RDT

List of risky situations which includes signs of severe malaria and a history of heart condition (with pictograms)

In case of signs of severe malaria: “Beware, in your case, malaria can be severe. Start the treatment and go to a health center as soon as possible.”

Beware, if you are pregnant or breastfeeding, do not take primaquine. Go to a health center as soon as possible.

Treatment instructions

Reminder alerts for each intake of Coartem®, and a question after three days to confirm whether the medication was taken entirely

Sleep under a mosquito net to avoid malaria transmission.

You should consult a health center for a medical opinion” if the person does not feel better after the end of a treatment

In case of a negative test: “It is not recommended to take the treatment against malaria without positive test. You can take paracetamol in case of fever. If symptoms persist, do another test and consult a health center

The text in italics refer to all written messages