A: effect of exposure of the pancreatic acinar cell
line PAC 266-6 to proinflammatory cytokines on thiamin uptake. PAC
266-6 were treated with proinflammatory cytokines [hyper IL-6 (100
ng/mL), free IL-6 (100 ng/mL), TNF-α (20 ng/mL), and
IL-1β (10 ng/mL)] for 24 h, and then carrier-mediated
thiamin uptake was examined.
B–E: effect of hyper
IL-6 treatment on level of expression of thiamin transporter-1 and
-2 (THTR-1 and -2). PAC 266-6 cells were treated with hyper IL-6 and
levels of expression of THTR-1 and -2 proteins (B
and C, i and ii)
and mRNAs (D and E) were examined.
Insets: representative Western image for THTR-1
and THTR-2 proteins. Data are means ± SE of 3–4
independent experiments.
**P < 0.01;
*P < 0.05; NS, not