Extended Data Figure 8. Il17ra expression in the S1DZ of PBS and MIA offspring. Further behavioral analyses of S1DZ IL-17a rescue of sociability in MIA offspring and monogenic mutant mice.
a, Representative images of Il17ra expression in the S1DZ of PBS and MIA offspring. Scare bar represents 1mm. b, Quantification of Il17ra expression within the S1DZ of MIA offspring according to cortical layer (n=6; from 2 independent experiments). c, Quantification of overall Il17ra expression in the S1DZ of PBS and MIA offspring (PBS n=8, MIA n=6; from 2 independent experiments). d-h, Further behavioral analyses of experiments described in Fig. 3f; Time spent investigating social (S) versus inanimate (I) objects (e), total interaction time (f), time spent in social (S), center (C) or inanimate (I) chamber (g), and distance traveled (h) (PBS-Veh n=11, PBS-IL-17a n=12, MIA-Veh n=14, MIA-IL-17a n=10, WT-Veh n=11, WT-IL-17a n=11, Cntnap2-Veh n=8, Cntnap2-IL-17a n=10, Fmr1-Veh n=9, Fmr1-IL-17a n=11; from 6 independent experiments). Statistics calculated by unpaired two-tailed t test (c), two-way ANOVA with Sidak’s (e) and Dunnett’s (g) post-hoc tests, and two-way repeated measures ANOVA with Sidak’s post-hoc test (f,h). Graphs indicate mean ± s.e.m.