Fig. 2.
World map distribution of the 286 studies included in the assessment of the burden of drug-resistant infections in humans due to the World Health Organization (WHO) Global Antimicrobial Resistance Surveillance System (GLASS) priority bacteria according to the WHO regional groupings and to the World Bank Classification of countries. Regions' colours are the same used by the WHO. WHO classification: African Region in yellow; Region of the Americas in red; South-East Asia Region in green; European Region in blue; Eastern Mediterranean Region in turquoise and Western Pacific Region in orange. World Bank Classification: HIC: High-income countries; LIC: Low-income countries; LMIC: Low middle-income countries; UMIC: Upper middle-income countries. Two studies conducted in different countries could not be included in the WHO regional grouping while three studies were conducted in countries with different income and were not included in the World Bank Classification grouping.