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. 2021 May 11;12:2725. doi: 10.1038/s41467-021-22876-9

Table 1.

Demographic and clinical characteristics of the five cohorts included in the study.

Characteristic Cohort 1: IQVIA (ATTR-CM) Cohort 2: Optum (ATTR-CM) Cohort 3: IQVIA (cardiac amyloid) Cohort 4: Optum (cardiac amyloid) Cohort 5: NMEDW* (cardiac amyloid)
ATTRwt-CM + HF (n = 1071) Non-amyloid HF (n = 1071) ATTRwt-CM + HF (n = 173) Non-amyloid HF (n = 173) Cardiac amyloid + HF (n = 7296) Non-amyloid HF (n = 7296) Cardiac amyloid + HF (n = 1943) Non-amyloid HF (n = 1943) Cardiac amyloid + HF (n = 261) Non-amyloid HF (n = 39,393)
Age, years 77 ± 7 77 ± 7 77 ± 8 74 ± 11 78 ± 8 77 ± 8 78 ± 9 77 ± 11 74 ± 9 72 ± 11
Male 84% 84% 82% 81% 67% 67% 68% 69% 69% 56%
   White 66% 80% 72% 80% 54% 71%
   Black 28% 11% 22% 10% 32% 13%
   Other 6% 9% 6% 10% 14% 16%
Location of final visit
   Midwest 28% 20% 47% 48% 24% 21% 49% 49% 100% 100%
   Northeast 27% 20% 25% 16% 28% 19% 22% 11% 0% 0%
   South 25% 40% 20% 29% 28% 39% 19% 28% 0% 0%
   West 18% 18% 5% 5% 19% 19% 6% 9% 0% 0%
   Other/unknown 1% 2% 3% 2% 1% 1% 3% 4% 0% 0%
   Hypertension 90% 96% 83% 88% 89% 92% 81% 86% 72% 78%
   Obesity 42% 48% 48% 47% 37% 42% 34% 39% 21% 25%
   Diabetes 42% 62% 35% 52% 45% 55% 39% 50% 38% 36%
   CAD 64% 73% 54% 68% 60% 65% 59% 65% 56% 54%
   CKD 61% 44% 58% 47% 52% 42% 56% 43% 47% 29%
   Atrial fibrillation 72% 52% 65% 52% 64% 50% 61% 50% 56% 41%
Diagnosis history duration, yearsb 9.6 (6.2–10.4) 9.7 (6.3–10.5) 6.2 (2.8–9.8) 6.4 (3.0–9.5) 8.7 (6.0–10.2) 8.7 (6.0–10.2) 5.2 (2.5–8.3) 5.4 (2.7–8.2) 6.2 (1.2–15.7) 4.6 (0.9–10.1)
Number of visitsb 129 (82–210) 131 (87–205) 79 (34–187) 76 (31–168) 117 (63–193) 112 (60–187) 67 (25–141) 66 (24–140) 37 (9–99) 21 (6–60)

T-tests (for age), Wilcoxon rank-sum tests (for diagnosis history duration and number of visits), and χ2-tests (for categorical variables) were used to compare groups. P-values are two-sided. Adjustments were not made for multiple comparisons.

ATTRwt-CM wild-type amyloidogenic transthyretin cardiomyopathy, CAD coronary artery disease, CKD chronic kidney disease, NMEDW Northwestern Memorial Enterprise Data Warehouse.

aEthnicity data were not available in the IQVIA data.

bMedian (25th–75th percentile).

*P < 0.001 for age, sex, ethnicity, CKD, AF, diagnosis history, and number of visits, and P = 0.015 for hypertension for differences between cardiac amyloid and non-amyloid HF in the NMEDW cohort.