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. 2021 May 11;4:555. doi: 10.1038/s42003-021-02058-5

Fig. 2. Identification of the basal body using YL1/2 antibody against tyrosinated α-tubulin.

Fig. 2

T. b. brucei 1738 wild-type trypanosomes derived from tsetse salivary glands were fixed and stained with YL1/2 antibody against tyrosinated α-tubulin visualized with FITC secondary antibody; the basal bodies (BBs) shown as bright green fluorescent dots, with additional staining of the plus ends of newly formed microtubules at the posterior of the cell. L to R: phase contrast, YL1/2 (green FITC fluorescence), DAPI (false coloured magenta fluorescence), merge all. BBs are indicated by white arrows (YL1/2 images) and kinetoplasts (K) by arrowheads (DAPI images). a 1K1N epimastigote with prominent posterior nozzle; b 2K2N dividing epimastigote; c 2K1N meiotic divider, with just visible anterior BB; d 1K1N metacyclic; e 1K1N gamete; f 2K1N gamete. gk various meiotic intermediates with multiple K and/or N: g 3K3N cell with two flagella; h 3K2N cell with two flagella; i 2K2N cell with two flagella; j 2K2N, single flagellum; k 3K2N, single flagellum. Scale bar = 5 µm.