Table 1.
Summary of 3D-printed products based on genitourinary organs
Organ | Case | Application | 3DP Technique | Material | Advantage and Efficacy | Limitation | References |
Kidney | Renal stones | Surgical guide for PNL | EM | PLA | •Faster access of needle during a PNL-procedure • Low-cost |
•Requiring an on-site 3D printer | Golab et al.[47] |
Renal masses | Renal stone model for volume calculation | MJ | ABS | •Enabling stone volume calculation in renal stone treatment | •The use of ellipsoid formula in measuring the stone volume, which tends to oblate or prolate in shape | Canatet al.[39] | |
Renal tumor model for LPN | N/A | Nylon powder | •Accurate anatomical guidance •Improved LPN performance • Low-cost |
•Small sample size •Lack of 3D printing technique information |
Fan et al.[49] | ||
Renal transplantation | Atherosclerosis artery model for renal transplantation | MJ | •Translucent resin 28A • ABS |
•Reduced operating tie and rate of complications | •Random printing choice of calcified atheroma form with a density > 300 HU | Dezinet et al.[52] | |
Vascular disease | Extravascular stent for PNS | PBD | Ti alloy | •No post-operative migration, collapse, of erosion of the stent •No complications, side effects, or left renal vein restenosis |
• High cost | Guo et al.[54] Wang et al.[54] |
Bladder | Bladder Dysfunction | Navigation template for SNS | N/A | N/A | •Improved procedure and accuracy of puncture •Reduced intraoperative radiation e xposure |
•Small sample size for validation •Lack of 3D printing technique information |
Zhang et al.[55] |
Implantable actuator system for bladder void dysfunction | N/A | Flexible rubber-like material | •Enabling the bladder contraction by shape memory alloy actuation | •Lack of human clinical trials •Lack of 3D printing technique information |
Hassani et al.[56] | ||
Stress Urinary Incontinence | Pessary fitting for SUI patients | EM | • Mold: PLA •Product: Silicon elastomer |
•Anatomically compatible pessary | •Small sample size for validation •Indirect fabrication; requiring mold fabrications |
Barsky et al.[57] | |
Bladder Cancer | In vitro bladder cancer model | Bioprinting | •Gelatin methacryloyl (GelMA)• Cells | •More accurate drug response evaluation •Opportunity of personalized medicine |
•Lacking extracellular matrix, an essential component of tumor biology | Kim et al.[61] | |
Prostate | Prostate Biopsy | Prostate tumor model | VP | Resin | •Accurate replication of tumor construction, location, size, and morphology •Avoided missed diagnosis •Increased rate of biopsy |
•Small sample size for validation | Wang et al.[63] |
Prostatectomy | Prostate cancer model | N/A | Resin | •Accurate concordance between the models and the histological index lesion location and extension | •Small sample size for validation •Lack of 3D printing technique information |
Shinet al.[65] | |
Prostate cancer model | MJ | Resin | •More comprehensible model compared to MRI | •Small sample size for validation | Chandak et al.[66] | ||
Ureter | Ureteral stent | Flow characterization of ureteral DJ stents | PBD | Nylon polyether block amide | •Comparable flow characteristics between conventional and 3D-printed stents | •Requiring access sheath for stent deployment•Lacking tapered end of the stent | Del Junco et al.[68] |
Vesicoureteral reflux | Flap valve on the tip of anti-reflux ureteral stent | MJ | Silicon elastomer | •Stoppage of backward flow | •Slight decrease in forward flow | Parket al.[69] | |
Ureteral stone | Upper renal calyx model for ureteral stone removal | N/A | N/A | •Safe and effective stone removal procedure | •Lack of 3D printing technique and material information | Kurodaet al.[70] | |
Urethra | Urethral injury | Urethral model of PFUI | EM | N/A | •Understanding of complex anatomies of the posterior urethra and other organs | •Lack of material information •Downscale model to 80% of the size |
Joshi and Kulkarni[71] |
Urethral structure | In vitro tissue engineered urethral model | Bioprinting | • PCL/PLCL •Cell-laden hydrogel |
•Multilayer of cell constructs •Good cell viability •Similarity in mechanical properties of native cells |
•Use of rabbit cells, instead of real human cells | Zhanget al.[72] | |
Urethral dynamics | Urinary tract phantom for urodynamic investigations | EM | • Mold: PLA •Product: PVA cryogel |
•Mimicking ability in urethra’s geometric, mechanical, and hydrodynamic characteristics | •Indirect fabrication; requiring mold fabrications | Ishii et al.[27] | |
Penis | Penile cancer | Penile surface mold brachytherapy | VP | Polycarbonate - like resin | •Non-invasive ambulatory procedure •Minimal pain during the application |
•Small sample size for validation | D’Alimonte et al.[74] |
Penile reconstruction | Bio-scaffold for tissue engineering of penile fibrous tissue | Bioprinting | • PCL •Fibroblast cells |
•Well-defined and homogenous porous structure of the scaffolds |
•Small sample size •No investigation on the bioavailability of cell-seeded scaffold in an in vivo animal model |
Yu et al.[75] | |
Adrenal | Adrenalectomy | Phantom for pre-surgical planning of partial adrenalectomy | VP | Translucent resin | •No intra-operative and post-operative complications •Cortisol replacement initiation right after surgery |
•Status of the study being a single case report | Srougi et al.[76] |