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. 2021 Mar 1;47(2):117–126. doi: 10.5271/sjweh.3928

Table 3.

Distribution of items of precarious employment (scoring within brackets) for the typology a, b and the total population with average summative scale scores and standard deviations (SD). [SER=standard employment relationship; BO=business owners; PER=precarious employment relationship; P-SE=precarious self-employment; P-MJH=precarious multiple job holders; CBA=collective bargaining agreement.]

SER BO Proficians PER P-SE P-MJH Total

N % N % N % N % N % N % N % Score SD
Total 2 593 238 60 89 511 2 422 933 10 947 882 22 199 630 5 96 128 2 4 349 322 100 -1.8 2.4
 Contractual relationship insecurity
 Directly employed by the employer (0) 2 409 239 91 0 0 300 122 71 859 475 91 30 294 15 0 0 3 599 130 83 -1.4 2.2
 Employed by an agency (-1) 11 291 0 0 0 1 064 0 42 674 5 0 0 0 0 55 029 1 -4.2 2.2
 Combination of self- and direct employment (-1) 172 708 7 0 0 121 378 29 42 753 5 6 622 3 90 991 95 434 452 10 -3.2 2.5
 Self-employed (-1) 0 0 89 511 100 369 0 2 980 0 28 455 14 3 971 4 125 286 3 -2.8 1.9
 Solo self-employed (-2) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 134 259 67 1 166 1 135 425 3 -5.3 1.6
Contractual temporariness
 Stable employment (0) 2 337 085 90 85 465 95 257 716 61 31 247 3 157 920 79 42 209 44 2 911 642 67 -0.7 1.7
 Unstable employment (-2) 256 153 10 4 046 5 165 217 39 916 653 97 41 710 21 53 919 56 1 437 680 33 -4.1 1.9
Multiple jobs/economic sectors
 1 job (0) 2 462 364 95 83 852 94 257 0 364 989 39 193 124 97 705 1 3 105 291 71 -1.0 2.0
 ≥2 jobs (-1) 0 0 3 670 4 172 476 41 211 211 22 5 345 3 30 456 32 423 158 10 -3.3 2.0
 ≥2 jobs in >1 economic sector (-2) 130 874 5 1 989 2 250 200 59 371 682 39 1 161 1 64 967 68 820 873 19 -4.1 2.1
Income level (% of median)
 ≥200 (2) 147 649 6 6 635 7 61 572 15 2 099 0 2 167 1 3 297 3 223 419 5 0.6 1.6
 120–199 (1) 718 921 28 45 409 51 265 919 63 13 502 1 29 230 15 20 073 21 1 093 054 25 -0.4 1.7
 80–119 (0) 353 337 52 33 102 37 84 590 20 254 833 27 35 459 18 27 251 28 1 788 572 41 -1.4 1.7
 60–79 (-1) 261 192 10 2 610 3 10 852 3 220 159 23 47 334 24 16 464 17 558 611 13 -3.0 1.9
 <60 (-2) 112 139 4 1 755 2 0 0 457 289 48 85 440 43 29 043 30 685 666 16 -5.1 1.7
CBA coverage (% likelihood)
 >90 (0) 255 747 87 16 292 18 350 843 83 582 253 61 0 0 3 316 3 3 208 451 74 -1.1 2.0
 71–90 (-1) 277 117 11 32 580 36 64 953 15 233 301 25 0 0 9 623 10 617 574 14 -3.0 2.1
 ≤70 (-2) 60 374 2 40 639 45 7 137 2 132 328 14 199 630 100 83 189 87 523 297 12 -4.8 2.0

Modal assignment.


Employment types are ordered from highest to lowest average summative scale scores.