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. 2021 Jun 1;110(2):412–424. doi: 10.1016/j.ijrobp.2020.11.068

Table 1.

Baseline characteristics by allocated planning method

Standard planning, n = 32 Adaptive planning, n = 33 Total, n = 65
Age, years 84.8 (80.7-88.9) 84.1 (80.4-87.1) 84.5 (80.6-88.6)
Months from histologic confirmation to randomization 1.7 (1.2-2.1) 1.4 (1.0-2.1) 1.6 (1.1-2.1)
 Male 24 (75%) 20 (61%) 44 (68%)
 Female 8 (25%) 13 (39%) 21 (32%)
Extent of resection
 Biopsy 10 (31%) 10 (30%) 20 (31%)
 Partial resection 10 (31%) 13 (39%) 23 (35%)
 Full resection 11 (34%) 9 (27%) 20 (31%)
 Unknown/missing 1 (3%) 1 (3%) 2 (3%)
Multiple tumors
 Yes 6 (19%) 7 (21%) 13 (20%)
 No 26 (81%) 26 (79%) 52 (80%)
Histologic tumor type
 Urothelial 31 (97%) 32 (97%) 63 (97%)
 Nonurothelial 1 (3%) 1 (3%) 2 (3%)
 G2 1 (3%) 0 (0%) 1 (2%)
 G3 31 (97%) 33 (100%) 64 (98%)
CIS present
 Yes 9 (28%) 11 (33%) 20 (31%)
 No 22 (69%) 22 (67%) 44 (68%)
 Unknown/missing 1 (3%) 0 (0%) 1 (2%)
Clinical stage
 T2 24 (75%) 21 (64%) 45 (69%)
 T3a 1 (3%) 5 (15%) 6 (9%)
 T3b 5 (16%) 5 (15%) 10 (15%)
 T4a 2 (6%) 2 (6%) 4 (6%)
NM stage
 N0/M0 32 (100%) 33 (100%) 65 (100%)
Age adjusted Charlson Comorbidity index score
 5 1 (3%) 0 (0%) 1 (2%)
 6 14 (44%) 13 (39%) 27 (42%)
 7 11 (34%) 5 (15%) 16 (25%)
 8 4 (13%) 6 (18%) 10 (15%)
 9 2 (6%) 8 (24%) 10 (15%)
 10 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%)
 11 0 (0%) 1 (3%) 1 (2%)

Abbreviation: CIS = carcinoma in situ; IQR = interquartile range; NM stage = nodal/metastatic stage.

Data are shown as n (%) or median (IQR).