Fig. 5. Investigation of combined mitochondrial RC deficiency and changes in mitochondrial mass in complex I decreased neurons.
a Stacked bar charts show the percentage of neurons carrying different numbers of affected RC complexes that show a decreased level of expression in each group. Within each category, components of the ‘decreased’ neuronal population were colour-coded to show the proportion of each individual complex involved. For those complexes with two subunits tested, NDUFA13, MTCO1 and ATP5B were selected to represent the expression of complex I, IV and V respectively. Number of neurons analysed: PD, n = 63; POLG, n = 133; control, n = 42. b Regression analysis of the number of OxPhos complexes showing a decreased expression and age in the control cases (r2 = 0.07, p < 0.001). Each data point represents an individual neuron with separate controls highlighted by colour, for each neuron the number of proteins for which that neuron was classed as being deficient was determined. Lines and shadow represent the linear regression line and the 95% prediction interval. c Analysis of the percentage of neurons carrying different numbers of affected RC complexes that show a decreased level of expression in each group was also performed in the neuronal population with complex I decreased expression.