Table 3.
Ethogram with behaviours scored during the attention bias test.
Behaviour (duration) | Definition |
Standing | All four hooves are on the pen floor with limbs extended and without more than 1 step within 1 s |
Walking | The piglet takes at least 2 steps within 1 s |
Running | A fast paced movement involving all four legs |
Vigilant | The head positioned at shoulder height or higher |
Attention to threat | The head oriented towards the direction of the threat |
Exploring | Sniffing or licking the floors, walls or pen fixtures |
Interacting with toys | Touching, sniffing or manipulating toys |
Conspecifics directed behaviours | Sniffing or licking the gate or positioning the snout between the bars |
Rooting | Snout movement along the floor in the straw in area 3 |
Location | Time spent in zone 1, 2, 3 and 4 |