Fig. 2. Cryo-EM structure of CaSR in the L-Trp-bound state.
a Map and cartoon representations of the dimeric CaSR structure in the L-Trp-bound state (CaSRTrp). The two subunits of CaSR are colored in cyan. L-Trp molecules are shown as yellow sticks. b Cartoon representation of a single VFT domain structure of CaSRTrp. The density that was assigned to L-Trp is shown as mesh. c Superposition of the overall structures of CaSRTrp and CaSR in the Icc conformation, indicating high structural similarity. d Structural superposition of single VFT domains derived from CaSRTrp (blue) and CaSRIcc (orange). The VFT domains from CaSR in both CaSRTrp and CaSRIcc reveal “closed” conformations. e Structural superimposition of single VFT domains in CaSRTrp and CaSRIoo, showing the opening of the VFT in the Ioo conformation (gray) and the closure of the VFT in the CaSRTrp (blue).