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. 2021 Jan 14;46(5):1035–1044. doi: 10.1038/s41386-020-00929-9

Table 1.

Demographic and clinical characteristics.

Healthy (n = 36) OCD (n = 41) Group difference test statistic
Age 29.7 (7.5) 29.1 (7.3) t = −0.37
Sex, male 18 (50%) 21 (51%) χ2 = 0.01
Race, white 26 (72%) 30 (73%) χ2 = 0.01
Handedness, right 32 (89%) 33 (80%) χ2 = 1.30
Education, years 16.6 (1.7) 16.1 (2.0) t = −1.03
IQ 111.7 (12.0) 106.0 (13.1) t = −1.96
Y-BOCS score pretreatment 24.8 (3.5)
Y-BOCS score posttreatmenta 12.9 (7.9)
Resting-state fMRI
 Frames cut, % 4.9% (1.2%) 4.9% (1.3%) t = 0.06
 Mean FD 0.03 (0.02) 0.03 (0.02) t = 0.31

There were no significant group differences in demographic characteristics or head motion during resting-state acquisition. Parentheses after numbers contain standard deviation for continuous variables or percentage of total for discrete variables. Percentage of frames cut indicates the average percentage of frames regressed as motion or timeseries outliers, and mean framewise displacement (FD) indicates average head motion only among runs included in analyses.

aValues for n = 36 patients who completed post-treatment follow-up session.