Fig. 4. Multivariable Mendelian randomization (MVMR) results considering the following models.
a Association of genetically determined serum C-reactive protein (CRP) with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) independently of “Felt love as a child”; b Association of deprivation-index genetic instrument with PTSD independent of “Felt loved as a child” and serum CRP; c Association of household-income genetic instrument with PTSD independent of “Felt loved as a child” and CRP. The analysis was conducted using the MVMR inverse variance weighted method (IVW) and compared with the univariate MR result. For each test, effect size (beta) and 95% confidence interval are reported. The effect of CRP and childhood social support (i.e., “Felt love as a child”) appears to be not independent from socioeconomic status (i.e., household income and deprivation-index).