Fig 2. Tissue viral titers and body weight loss in DBA/2 mice infected with A/TN/09 variants.
(A-C) Nasal, soft palate, and tracheal tissue titers at 2, 5, 7- and 10-days post infection (DPI). The inoculated doses were 750 PFU for WT and 750 or 375,000 PFU for Y17H. Values are the mean (±SD) for three mice, with a total of 12 mice at each time point. (D-E) Changes from starting body weight and percent survival of DBA/2 mice after inoculation with 750 PFU of WT and 750 or 375000 PFU of Y17H. Symbols used in all panels as follows: PBS (green hexagon), WT 750 (black squares), Y17H 750 (red circles), and Y17H 375 (blue triangles). Statistical significance was determined by two-way ANOVA and Tukey posthoc analysis, comparing each set of results to those for WT virus. Significant statistical differences are indicated as follows: *, P < 0.05; **, P < 0.01; ***, P < 0.001; ****, P < 0.0001.