A) Nestin-positive radial glia (white) and Glast-positive MZG (white) in horizontal sections of embryonic day (E)13 wildtype and
Dcckanga mice. (
B, C) Pan-Laminin (LAM)-positive leptomeninges and basement membrane (green), Nestin-positive radial glia (magenta) and α-dystroglycan (α-DYST; red;
B) or β-dystroglycan (β-DYST; red,
C) in horizontal sections of E15 wildtype and
Dcckanga mice. (
D) Quantification of fluorescence intensity of β-DYST along 200 µm of the interhemispheric fissure (IHF) surface as outlined with red dotted box in (
C). (
E) Nestin-positive radial glia (green) with either adenomatous polyposis coli (APC, red), N-cadherin (N-CAD; red) or β-catenin (β-CAT; red) in horizontal sections of E15 wildtype and
Dcckanga mice with insets. (
F) Quantification of the fluorescence intensity of APC, N-CAD and β-CAT within 5 µm of the IHF as outlined in red dotted-edged boxes from (
E). (
G) Quantification of the fluorescence intensity of Nestin-positive radial glial endfeet within 5 µm of the IHF surface from inset in (
E). All graphs represent mean ± SEM. Statistics by Mann–Whitney test. n.s: not significant, *p<0.05. See related
Supplementary file 1.