Table 5.
C (n = 8) | GT (n = 8) | D (n = 6) | DGT (n = 6) | P i | P gt | P d | |
PFK (nmol/g tissue) | 0, 90 ± 0, 28 | 1, 28 ± 0, 34 | 1, 86 ± 0, 31 | 1, 16 ± 0, 41 | <0,001 | 0,23 | 0,003 |
LDH (nmol/mg tissue) | 3, 51 ± 0, 25 | 3, 50 ± 0, 15 | 7, 69 ± 1, 41 | 5, 05 ± 0, 51 | <0,001 | <0,001 | <0,001 |
PDH (nmol/g tissue) | 1, 03 ± 0, 21 | 0, 97 ± 0, 10 | 1, 03 ± 0, 14 | 0, 88 ± 0, 13 | 0,46 | 0,10 | 0,42 |
CS (nmol/mg tissue) | 48, 22 ± 8, 58 | 45, 52 ± 5, 05 | 29, 05 ± 5, 68 | 35, 48 ± 6, 22 | 0,08 | 0,46 | <0,001 |
3-OHADH (nmol/mg tissue) | 20, 91 ± 2, 10 | 19, 79 ± 2, 74 | 10, 60 ± 1, 56 | 18, 89 ± 2, 24 | <0,001 | 0,55 | <0,001 |
Complex I (nmol/mg tissue) | 44, 38 ± 5, 97 | 45, 9 ± 5, 20 | 34, 2 ± 4, 42 | 30, 20 ± 6, 14 | 0,19 | 0,55 | <0,001 |
Complex II (nmol/mg tissue) | 9, 16 ± 1, 97 | 8, 53 ± 1, 75 | 4, 80 ± 1, 23 | 5, 57 ± 0, 88 | 0,26 | 0,91 | <0,001 |
ATPs (nmol/mg tissue) | 25, 39 ± 3, 00 | 21, 86 ± 2, 89 | 16, 55 ± 2, 02 | 18, 83 ± 5, 15 | 0,03 | 0,63 | <0,001 |
Groups: C: control; GT: green tea; D: doxorubicin; DGT: doxorubicin+green tea. PFK: phosphofructokinase; LDH: lactate dehydrogenase; PDH: pyruvate dehydrogenase; CS: citrate synthase; β-OHADH: L-3-hydroxyacyl CoA dehydrogenase; complex I (NADH dehydrogenase): nicotinamide adenine nucleotide dehydrogenase; complex II: succinate oxide reductase; ATPs: adenosine triphosphate synthase. Values are expressed in mean ± standard deviation. P value: two-way ANOVA. Pi: P value of interaction; Pgt: P value of green tea; Pd: P value of doxorubicin. When we observed the interaction between factors (Pi < 0, 05), we compared the groups. PFK: C ≠ D, C ≠ GT, and D ≠ DGT; LDH: C ≠ DX, C ≠ GT, and D ≠ DGT; β-OHADH: C ≠ D, C ≠ GT, and D ≠ DGT; ATPs: C ≠ D, C ≠ GT. Comparisons without interactions: CS, complex I, complex II: (C + GT) ≠ (D + DGT).