Women heterozygous for genetic deletions including STS
Increased risk of developmental and (postpartum) mood disorders |
Decreased volume of basal ganglia structures (putamen, globus pallidum, nucleus accumbens) |
Increased self-reported irritability, psychological distress, manic symptoms, and tiredness/low energy |
Altered sleeping patterns/weight change |
Rare cases with paranoid schizophrenia |
Male mice with genetic deletions including Sts, or with STS enzyme acutely inhibited |
Inattention |
Increased serotonin (5-HT) levels in the striatum and hippocampus; increased Htr2c (serotonin 5-HT 2c receptor) expression in the hippocampus |
Increased hippocampal acetylcholine release |
Increased levels of anxiety-like behaviour, aggression, and perseveration |
Imbalance between sulfated and free steroids (notably increased dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate (DHEAS) and decreased DHEA) |
Effects on learning and memory |
Enhanced response inhibition |
Postpartum female mice with STS enzyme acutely inhibited |
Decreased acoustic startle response; alleviated by antipsychotic administration |
Increased whole-brain expression of Ccn2, Ccn3, Adcy8, Arhgdig, Cyp2g1, Stoml3, and genes involved in olfactory signalling |
Altered exploration of aversive environment |
Postpartum female pigs |
Infanticidal behaviour together with anxiety/restlessness in < 10% individuals |
Quantitative trait loci overlapping Sts and Htr2c; increased Ccn2 and Htr2c (long variant) expression in the hypothalamus/brain |