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. 2021 Apr 29;12:582259. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2021.582259


Experiment 1 results from the mixed effects model including fixed effects of morpheme type, morpheme reliability (proportion), morpheme availability (log word-form frequency), stimulus sentence length, stimulus sense rating, and random effects of subject and item.

Model 1: no interactions.

Fixed effects Random effects

By subject By item

Parameters Estimate SE z p SD SD
Intercept 0.145 3.424 0.04 0.966 1.04 1.24
Morpheme type1 Plural -s –1.480 0.424 –3.49 0.000***
Third-person -s –0.347 0.391 –0.88 0.376
Progressive -ing 0.963 0.435 2.21 0.027*
Morpheme reliability 1.937 0.536 3.61 0.000***
Morpheme availability2 0.420 0.202 2.08 0.037*
Sentence length (syllables) 0.035 0.207 0.17 0.866
Sense rating –0.009 0.059 –0.16 0.874

1Past-tense -ed is the reference level. 2Word-form frequency was logarithmically transformed. Model formula: accuracy∼morpheme + reliability + availability + length + sense + (1| subject) + (1| item). ***p = 0; *p < 0.01; p < 0.1.

Model 1b: Interactions between morpheme type and reliability.

Fixed effects Random effects

By subject By item

Parameters Estimate SE z p SD SD

Intercept 3.491 2.940 1.19 0.235 1.10 1.11
Morpheme type1 Plural -s –2.667 0.593 –4.50 0.000***
Third-person -s –1.257 0.536 –2.35 0.019*
Progressive -ing 0.534 0.594 0.90 0.368
Morpheme reliability 0.554 1.026 –0.54 0.589
Sentence length (syllables) –0.028 0.192 –0.14 0.886
MorphemePlural-s: Reliability 3.902 1.231 3.17 0.002**
MorphemePres-s: Reliability 2.952 1.638 1.80 0.072.
MorphemeProg-ing: Reliability 1.626 1.647 0.99 0.323

1Past-tense -ed is the reference level. Model formula: accuracy∼morphemereliability + length + (1| subject) + (1| item). ***p = 0; **p < 0.001; *p < 0.01; p < 0.05; p < 0.1.

Model 1c: interactions between morpheme type and availability.

Fixed effects Random effects

By Subject By Item

Parameters Estimate SE z p SD SD

Intercept 1.765 3.546 0.50 0.619 1.10 1.15
Morpheme type1 Plural -s –9.827 2.673 –3.68 0.000***
Third-person -s –2.660 1.869 –1.42 0.155
Progressive -ing 1.779 2.246 0.79 0.428
Morpheme availability2 0.221 0.355 0.62 0.534
Sentence length (syllables) 0.017 0.200 0.08 0.934
MorphemePlural-s: Availability 1.943 0.604 3.22 0.001**
MorphemePres-s: Availability 0.517 0.458 1.13 0.259
MorphemeProg-ing: Availability –0.201 0.527 –0.38 0.703

1Past-tense -ed is the reference level. 2Word-form frequency was logarithmically transformed. Model formula: accuracy∼morphemeavailability + length + (1| subject) + (1| item). ***p = 0; **p < 0.001; p < 0.1.