Figure 1.
Representative histological sections from white skeletal muscle of noninfected and PRV-1 infected Atlantic salmon HE stained. (A) Myocytes with no observable changes. (B) Myocytes with mild degeneration (arrow) and presence of inter-myocytial fluid (arrowheads) and few infiltrating leukocytes (inset). (C) Uninfected fish, red focal change shows areas with moderate (inset) and minor (arrowhead) hemorrhages. Note minor degeneration in some myocytes with infiltrating macrophages. (D) Red focal change in PRV-1 infected fish with large hemorrhage (inset) and massive myocyte necrosis (arrowheads). (E) Black spot in uninfected fish. Sporadic occurrence of melano-macrophages (black) in seemingly otherwise non-affected tissue (dotted circle). (F) Black spot in infected fish with a typical granulomatous change surrounded with melano-macrophages (black). Arrowheads point to scattered melano-macrophages. Scale bar = 100 µm.