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. 2021 Apr 29;12:660639. doi: 10.3389/fphar.2021.660639


Dexketoprofen pharmacokinetic parameters based on sex and race.

N AUC/DW (kg*h*ng/mL*mg) SD Cmax/DW (kg*ng/mL*mg) SD Tmax (h) SD T1/2 (h) SD Vd/F (ml/kg) SD Cl/F (mL/h*kg) SD
Sex Male 43 11,253.32 2,233.52 7,328.16 1,467.24 0.62 0.31 2.27 0.35 297.69 47.36 92.36 17.10
Female 42 10,032.45* 1822.22 7,122.11 1730.30 0.76 0.53 2.25 0.37 331.29* 59.57 103.20* 18.42
Race Caucasian 70 10,776.95 2097.40 7,210.42 1,567.78 0.71 0.46 2.30 0.37 315.75 58.72 96.52 18.67
Latin—american 13 9,481.61 # 1,209.83 7,053.52 1732.39 0.62 0.33 2.02 # 0.19 310.28 32.70 107.26 # 12.82
Black 1 10,849.29 7,810.99 0.50 2.70 364.42 94.13
Asian 1 16,758.60 10,003.27 0.42 2.46 214.20 60.59

SD: standard deviation; *: after T-test comparing men with women; #: p < 0.05 after T-test comparing Caucasian with Latin-American (Black and Asian were not included in this analysis because of the low number of subjects).; Underlined: p < 0.05 after multivariate analysis (linear regression, which included the following variables: sex, race, CYP2B6 phenotype, CYP2D6 phenotype, CYP1A2*1B, ABCB1 C3435T (rs1045642), G2677 T/A (rs2032582), and C1236T (rs1128503)).

The bold values simply serve to highlight significant results.