Ankrd11 is expressed in embryonic craniofacial tissues. Expression pattern of Ankrd11 on immunofluorescent staining of Ankrd11ctrl coronal paraffin sections. (A) Split view of coronal sections of C57/BL6 mice immunostained for Ankrd11 (left, green) or processed for H&E for morphological orientation (purple, right) at ages E13.5, E14.5 and P0. ns, nasal septum; mand, mandible; m, molar; mc, Meckel’s cartilage; olf bulb, olfactory bulb of brain; calv, calvaria. White dotted lines on P0 immunofluorescent panel outline bony structures of the craniofacial complex including calvaria, maxillary/palatine bones, and mandibular bone shown in (B). Scale bars represent 200 μm (left) and 500 μm (right). (B,C) High magnification representative images from coronal sections immunostained for Ankrd11 (red), with DAPI nuclear counterstain in blue from mandible and calvaria (B) as well as palatal shelves (C). White dotted lines in (B) (mandible panels) indicate boundaries of mandibular bone indicated in (A). Cranial/calvarial images are taken from comparable anatomic locations indicated in (A). Images in (B,C) are presented from E14.5 and P0. Images in (C) are presented from E12.5, E13.5, E14.5, and P0. Graphic representation of Ankrd11 expression at E12.5 and E14.5 in right panels created in Adobe Illustrator. Blue represents Ankrd11 expression, with larger dots indicating relatively brighter regions. n = 3 from 3 litters. Scale bars in (B) represent 50 μm, except for E14.5 calvaria (200 μm). Scale bars in (C) represent 100 μm. ps, palatal shelf; t, tongue; tb, tooth bud; nc, nasal cavity; oc, oral cavity; es, epithelial seam; max, developing maxillary bone; m(m), molar (mesenchymal portion); m (e), molar (epithelial portion).