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. 2021 May-Jun;19(3):240–248. doi: 10.1370/afm.2668

Table 4.

Pathways Linked to a ≥10-Point Gain in BP Outcome

Pathway Consistency, % (No./N) Raw Coverage, % (No./N) Unique Coverage, % (No./N) Cases Included in Pathwaya
Take second BP = 1
Documentation = 1
Ownership = clinician
91 (10/11) 38 (10/26) 19 (5/26) A2, A3, A6, B8, C3, C4, E2, E3, F3, G2
Take second BP = 1
Duration of facilitation = ≥50 hours
100 (3/3) 12 (3/26) 4 (2/26) A1, B8, B9
Measurement training = 2
Duration of facilitation = 10-24.9 hours
75 (3/4) 12 (3/26) 4 (2/26) E2, G4, G5
Measurement training = 1 (ie, without follow-up)
Size = solo clinician
73 (8/11) 31 (8/26) 15 (4/26) A2, A3, A6, A7, B8, F1, F4, F5
Overall model 82 (18/22) 69 (18/26) N/A

BP = blood pressure; N/A = not applicable.


Bold indicates cases uniquely explained by each pathway. Each letter refers to a different Cooperative and each number to a different practice in that Cooperative.