Figure 3. Gene expression in lethal mCRPC PDXs and amphicrine phenotype in LvCaP-2R.
Lethal mCRPC PDXs analyzed for RNA expression of (A) select genes and (B) NE-associated genes. (C–E) IHC step-section of LvCaP-2R PDX stained for (C) AR (original magnification, ×200), (D) SYP (original magnification, ×200), and (E) dual staining (original magnification, ×400) for AR (pink) and SYP (brown), documenting the coexpression of both markers in the same cell (i.e., amphicrine). (F) RNA-Seq analysis for AR-regulated genes in a panel of PDXs representing different phenotypes (e.g., DN, ARPC, amphicrine, and NE). mCRPC, metastatic castration-resistant prostate cancer; NE, neuroendocrine; PDXs, patient-derived xenografts; SYP, synaptophysin; DN, double-negative.