Table 1.
Rheumatic diseases
Author, date | Study design | Study population | Intervention | Outcomes | Complications |
Gizińska et al., 2015 [12] | Randomized |
RA (women) N = 25 WBC + rehab N = 19 control (rehab) |
WBC at − 110 °C for 3 min 1 × a day, 2 weeks |
Pain reduction: WBC and control groups had decreased mean pain VAS by 1.08 cm and 1.11 cm, respectively (no significant difference b/w groups) Inflammation: WBC decreased IL-6 and TNF-α |
None reported |
Schlesinger et al., 2002 [36] | Randomized |
Gouty arthritis N = 10 LC N = 9 control |
LC (ice pack) for 20 min 4 × a day, 1 week | Pain reduction: WBC decreased mean pain VAS by 7.75 cm compared to 4.42 cm in the control group (significant difference b/w groups) | None reported |
Straub et al., 2009 [16] | Randomized |
RA N = 10 LC w/o GC N = 5 WBC − 60 °C w/o GC N = 9 WBC − 110 °C w/o GC N = 10 LC w/GC N = 12 WBC − 60 °C w/ GC N = 9 WBC − 110 °C w/ GC |
WBC at − 110 °C or − 60 °C for 2 min 2–3 × a day, 1 week LC b/w − 20 and − 30 °C for 10–30 min 2–3 × a day, 1 week |
Pain reduction: WBC at − 110 °C decreased pain VAS in groups w/ and w/o GC Inflammation: WBC at − 110 °C in group w/o GC had IL-6 increase and swollen joint count decrease |
None reported |
Hirvonen et al., 2006 [34] | Randomized, single-blinded |
RA N = 20 WBC − 110 °C + rehab N = 17 WBC − 60 °C + rehab N = 17 LC + rehab |
WBC at − 110 °C or − 60 °C 2–3 × a day, 1 week LC (cold pack, cold air at − 30 °C) 2–3 × a day, 1 week |
Pain reduction: LC and WBC at − 110 °C significantly decreased VAS pain by 1.1 cm and 2.4 cm, respectively; WBC at − 110 °C significantly decreased more than the LC and WBC at − 60 °C groups Disease activity: decrease in DAS in all groups |
LC: respiratory infection (2), frost bite (1), joint or muscle pain (1) − 60 °C WBC: headache (1), hypertension (1), dizziness (1), malaise (2), joint or muscle pain (1), nervousness (1) − 110 °C WBC: respiratory infection (1), hypertension (1), urticaria (1), long lasting freezing (2), malaise (1) |
Jastrzabek et al., 2013 [13] | Randomized |
RA N = 20 LC − 160 °C N = 20 LC − 30 °C |
LC at − 160 °C with liquid nitrogen flow or − 30 °C with cold air flow for 30 min 2 × a day, 10 days |
Pain reduction: − 160 °C and − 30 °C LC decreased pain VAS by 3.34 cm and 2.69 cm, respectively Disease activity: Increased ROM and improvements in 50-m walk test in both groups Inflammation: both LC groups decreased TNF-α, no change found in IL-6 |
None reported |
Sadura-Sieklucka et al., 2019 [29] | Randomized |
RA N = 25 WBC + rehab N = 25 control (rehab) |
WBC at − 120 °C to − 140 °C for 2 min 1 × a day, 20 days |
Pain reduction: WBC and control groups decreased VAS morning pain (1.2 cm, 1.9 cm), VAS activities of daily living pain (1.6 cm, 1.8 cm), VAS night pain (1.2 cm, 2.1 cm) (no significant difference b/w groups) Inflammation: no changes in IL-6, IL-10, and TNF-α |
None reported |
Stanek et al., 2015 [28] | Randomized |
AS N = 32 WBC + rehab N = 16 control (rehab) |
WBC at − 120 °C for 3 min 1 × a day, 10 days | Pain reduction: WBC and the control decreased VAS pain by 2.48 cm and 0.91 cm, respectively (significant difference b/w groups) | Slight aggravation of symptoms in the beginning days of treatment |
Hinkka et al., 2017 [35] | Randomized, crossover |
Inflammatory arthritis (RA, AS, Psoriatic arthritis) N = 121 WBC |
WBC for 2 min 2 × a day, 1 week | Pain reduction: WBC group had a significantly greater reduction in VAS pain compared to control group at the end of the treatment week | None reported |
Straburzynska-Lupa et al., 2018 [33] | Randomized |
AS N = 23 WBC − 110 °C + rehab N = 21 WBC − 60 °C + rehab N = 21 control (rehab) |
WBC at − 110 °C or − 60 °C for 3 min 1 × a day, 6 days |
Disease activity (including pain): BASDAI decreased in − 110 °C (1.62), − 60 °C (1.78) and control (1.23) groups; significant difference in BASDAI b/w − 110 °C and control groups; no significant difference b/w WBC at − 110 °C and − 60 °C after therapy Inflammation: IL-8 decrease in all groups, no changes in IL-17 Oxidative stress: No change in TAS |
None reported |
Stanek et al., 2018 [32] | Randomized |
AS (male) N = 16 WBC + rehab N = 16 control (rehab) |
WBC at − 120 °C for 3 min 1 × a day, 8 days |
Disease activity (including pain): BASDAI decreased in both groups, WBC group had significantly greater decrease in BASDAI than control (2.14 and 0.74, respectively) Inflammation: no change in IL-6 |
None reported |
Stanek et al., 2018 [24] | Randomized |
AS (male) N = 16 WBC + rehab N = 16 control (rehab) |
WBC at − 120 °C for 3 min 1 × a day, 8 days |
Disease activity (including pain): BASDAI decreased in both groups, WBC group had significantly greater decrease in BASDAI than control (2.16 and 0.74, respectively) Oxidative stress: decrease in TOS and OSI |
None reported |
Stanek et al., 2011 [31] | Randomized |
AS (male) N = 16 WBC + rehab N = 16 control (rehab) |
WBC at − 120 °C for 3 min 1 × a day, 10 sessions in 2 weeks | Pain reduction: WBC and control groups had a decrease in VAS pain (2.41 cm and 0.91 cm), but the WBC group had a significantly greater reduction in pain than the control | None reported |
RA rheumatoid arthritis; WBC whole-body cryotherapy; VAS Visual Analogue Scale; LC local cryotherapy; b/w between; w/ with; w/o without; GC glucocorticoids; DAS Disease Activity Score; ROM range of motion; AS ankylosing spondylitis; BASDAI Bath Ankylosing Spondylitis Disease Activity Index; TOS Total Oxidative Status; TAS Total Antioxidant Status; OSI, Oxidative Stress Index