Fig. 2. Denitrification gene expression and microcolony size within particles in fully anoxic fluid.
a Example images showing PAO1 microcolonies expressing NarK-GFP (nitrate reductase) after 40 h of growth in bulk anoxic media amended with 3 nitrate concentrations. Scale bar = 700 μm. b Mean relative expression of NarK-GFP for microcolonies, and mean radii of those microcolonies, shown in relationship to the radial distance to the nearest particle edge. The mean NarK-GFP expression for microcolonies in each particle (3–4 replicates) is indicated by a thin green line and the mean for all particles by a thick line. Similarly, an exponential model fit of microcolony radii for each particle is indicated by a thin black line and the mean for all particles by a thick line inset, Results for one example particle in a, illustrating the data for n microcolonies relative to the respective fits for those data. c Same as b but for reporter strain NirS-dsRed (nitrite reductase) expression in separate particles incubated in parallel.