Molecular analysis of treated X-CGD HSPCs at on-target (ON) and OT
sites confirm the high specificity of the SpCas9/sg/ODN
genome-editing system maintained in the presence of i53. (A)
Long-range PCR at CYBB E7 target site in HSPCs (naive,
Cas9/sg alone, or with i53, ODN donor, or both). Genomic deletions shown
by loss of coverage of sequencing reads. (B) Graph summarizing frequency
of large deletions in samples treated as indicated. (C) ON and OT sites
identified by circularization for high-throughput analysis of nuclease
genome-wide effects by sequencing (CHANGE-seq) with mismatches as shown,
with the number of reads for respective sites as indicated on the right.
(D) Manhattan plot of the ON and OT sites with the sg7 sgRNA on
CYBB c.676 C>T mutation X-CGD patient genomic
DNA. The arrow indicates CYBB on chromosome X. (E)
Indel frequency at ON and OT sites before (input) and after transplant
(26 weeks) in NSG (output) of HSPCs (naive [gray]), GE with (blue) or
without (red) i53 (mean ± standard deviation, ordinary one-way
analysis of variance, not significant). (F) Percentages of reads with
size discrepancies indicating indels for naive (N), or treated with
(+) or without (-) i53 at ON and at each OT site. (G) Frequency of
DSB repair events in vitro (IV) and posttransplant (fresh BM)
with/without i53.