Dissection of the main protease of SARS-CoV-2 virus. The left frame shows the 1.8 Å crystal structure of the main protease of SARS-CoV-2 (5r84). The right frame gives the dissection of this protein as markup under 5r84’s amino-acid sequence (chain A). The successive regions of 5r84 chain A are explained using the following concepts (in that order): c_0818, c_0667, c_0904, c_1173, c_1429, and c_1435, respectively. Their corresponding substructural regions of the protease are shown with varying colors (left frame). Cysteine 145 (CYS145) and Histidine 41 (HIS41) residues form the catalytic dyad of this protease, and are associated with concepts c_0904 and c_0818, respectively.