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. 2021 May 13;139(7):734–741. doi: 10.1001/jamaophthalmol.2021.1275

Table 3. CIDME by Manual Grading vs CMFV, CST, or study standard.

Grading Threshold, No./total No. (%) Total No.
0 1
CIDME by manual grading vs CMFV theshold, No./total No. (%)
0 116/122 (95.1) 6/122 (4.9) 122
1 20/93 (21.5) 73/93 (78.5) 93
Total No. 136 79 215
CIDME by manual grading vs CST threshold, No./total No. (%)
0 116/122 (95.1) 6/122 (4.9) 122
1 43/93 (46.2) 50/93 (53.8) 93
Total No. 159 56 215
CIDME by manual grading vs CST ≥320 μm in men or ≥305 μm in women, No./total No. (%)a
0 110/122 (90.2) 12/122 (9.8) 122
1 37/93 (39.8) 56/93 (60.2) 93
Total No. 147 68 215

Abbreviations: CIMDE, center-involved diabetic macular edema; CMFV, central macular fluid volume; CST, central subfield thickness;, Diabetic Retinopathy Clinical Research Network.


CST of 320 μm or more in men or 305 μm or more in women is the standard for CIDME used in the study.21