Source |
Study ID (created by review author)
Report ID (created by review author)
Review author ID (created by review author)
Citation and contact detail
Eligibility |
Methods |
Participants |
Total number
Diagnostic criteria
Date of study
Interventions |
Outcomes |
Outcomes and time points (1) collected; (2) reporteda
For each outcome of interest:
For scales: upper and lower limits and whether high or low score is good
Results |
Number of participants allocated to each intervention group
For each outcome of interest:
sample size
missing participantsa
summary data for each intervention group (e.g. means and SDs for continuous data at baseline and any time point after treatment; change);
estimate of effect with standard error, 95% CI and P value
subgroup analyses
Potential adverse effects
Miscellaneous aspects |
Funding source
Declaration of interests for the primary investigators
Key conclusions of the study authors
Miscellaneous comments from the study authors
References to other relevant studies
Correspondence required
Miscellaneous outcomes by the review authors
CI: Confidence interval; ID: Identifier; SD: Standard deviation. |