Schematic of the training protocol. Participants received 25 to 35 unperturbed walking trials followed by an acquisition session of a block of eight repeated trips (T1-T8), a block of three non-trips (NT1-NT3), another block of eight trips (T9-T16), a second block of three non-trip trials (NT4-NT6), and a final block of mixed trip and unperturbed walking trials. The randomly selected sequence of the mixed-block session was T17-T18, NT7-NT8, T19, NT9, T20, NT10, T21-T22, NT11-NT12, T23, NT13, and T24 for all participants. After 30 minutes had passed since completion of the initial training, participants took a block of three non-trip trials followed by a trip (Retrip) to test the immediate retention effects of the trip training.