Fig 4. Lipidomic analysis and corresponding surface morphology of Mtb in ZLM vs. ZRM.
(A) Cloud plot of retention time vs. m/z for 7,408 features detected from LC-MS of lipids extracted from Mtb H37Rv cells after 10 days of growth in ZRM (n = 3) and ZLM (n = 3). Each bubble on the graph represents a unique feature where red and blue bubbles indicate upregulated and downregulated features respectively in ZLM vs. ZRM. For each bubble, the p-value is represented by opacity (lower p-values appear darker) and the fold-change is represented by the radius (larger fold-changes have larger radii). Only features with p-value < 0.01 and absFC >2 are shown. (B) Violin plot showing log2FC for each compound identified from selected lipid classes in ZLM vs. ZRM. The horizontal lines in each violin plot represent the interquartile range. Abbreviations of lipid classes can be found in S1 Text. (C) Scanning electron micrographs representative of Mtb mc2 6206 cultures after 10 days of growth in ZRM (n = 3) and ZLM (n = 3). All images are taken at 120kX magnification, the scale bar applies to all images.